Gold Pride Time!

Gold Pride Time!

A picture of the whole school during Gold Pride Time!

During Gold Pride Time, students received awards for the end of the first quarter. Some of the awards were Perfect Attendance, A-B Honor Roll, A Honor Roll, and Student of the Month for September.

Another new item that students are so excited about are Gold Stars. Students receive Gold Stars throughout the building for positive behaviors. The Gold Stars are then turned into the office, and on Fridays, 4 names from each grade level get drawn for a prize from the Treasure Box. Normally, students receive these at lunch, however, we were together as a school on Friday so they received them during Gold Pride Time. Below, some of the Gold Star Winners are pictured!

Gold Pride Time Gold Star Winners

During September, we had a College Go Week and 6th grade students were asked to write about why education is important. There were three 6th grade students whose essays really stood out and were asked to read those essays at Gold Pride Time. They were also given college t-shirts for colleges of their choice. They did a great job reading their essays to the whole school. Below, the three 6th grade essay winners are pictured! 

6th Grade essay winners