DCHS Business Students Participate in SuitUp with Damar Experience

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On January 30, 2025, Decatur Central High School students participated in a unique opportunity in partnership with our local neighbor, Damar, and a non-profit called "SuitUp." The students put their business skills and knowlege to the test in a team competition with the objective of creating a business plan for Human Resoruces recruitment for the 18-25 age demographic. Students worked in teams and presented a business plan including name, slogan, financials, and a strategic design element. They were judged by the Director of Human Resources, Marketing Director, and the Director of Community Engagement from Damar. The winning team received certificates and Amazon gift cards (pictured below). Students Olivia Burton and Alexia Jones also received leadership awards.

Decatur Central High School is thankful for the opportunity for students to collaboarate to solve real world challenges with such great community partners in Damar and SuitUp!

Congratulations to the winning team:

winning team










L to R: Danica Dedeaux, Jeshua Garcia Molina, Ralph Joseph, Joi Jackson, Devonn Farmer, Christopher Silguero

Olivia Burton Leadership Award

Olivia Burton, Leadership Award

Alexia Jones, leadership award

Alexia Jones, Leadership Award

Photos from the event:



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