Jobs for America's Graduates - JAG

Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is a state-based national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who are most at-risk. In more than three decades of operation, JAG has delivered consistent, compelling results – helping nearly three-quarters of a million young people stay in school through graduation, pursue post-secondary education and secure quality entry-level jobs leading to career advancement opportunities.
Program Components
- A competency-based curriculum with pre- and post-tests, integrated math and reading skills building, and highly interactive and motivational activities.
- 37 core to 81 employability competencies validated by the business community.
Competency Categories
- Career Development
- Leadership & Self Development
- Job Attainment
- Job Survival
- Basic Skills
- Personal Skills
- Life Survival Skills
- Work Place Skills
Key Program Elements
- Removes barriers to academic, personal and career success (absenteeism, GPA, attitude, etc.)
- Intensive employer marketing, job placement, and follow-up by JAG certified Specialists.
- A full 12 months of follow-up and support for those entering the workforce and/or pursuing a postsecondary education.
Results and Outcomes
- 91% graduation rate
- Placement in post-secondary, employment or military
Barriers to Success
- Has repeated a grade in high school
- Low academic performance
- Basic Skills Deficient (Reading and Math)
- Limited English Proficiency
- Did Not Pass State Proficiency Exam
- Record of Excessive Absences (verified)
- Record of Suspensions
- Has Dropped Out of School Previously
Physical and Psychological
- Special Education
- Lacks Motivation or Maturity to Pursue Education or Career Goals
- Emotional Disorder which Impairs Education
- Has a Disability
- Health Problems that Impair Education
- Transportation/Child Care Needs
- Mother/Father did not graduate from high school
- Mother/Father does not work
- Pregnant or has child
- Documented Alcohol or Substance Abuse
- Homeless
- Lives with one or neither natural parent
- Transportation/Child Care Needs