Are you or someone you know looking for a rewarding employment opportunity and the chance to make a difference on a part-time or full-time basis? Do you like working with children with disabilities and helping them reach their highest potential? If so, please consider applying to be a special education substitute teacher in our Comprehensive Intervention Program (CIP) and/or Developmental Preschool Classrooms. In Decatur Township, our CIP classes are self-contained, special education classrooms designed to support the needs of students with disabilities who require more individualized and small group supports and services. Developmental Preschool is a self-contained classroom for our 3 and 4 year olds with disabilities. In both of these settings, you would be one member of the team as a substitute and would have support of the other regular staff members in the room to get to know the procedures. MSD of Decatur Township currently has openings for these special education substitute positions posted on our website. In addition to working with amazing students, these positions follow the school calendar and would be ideal if you have children already enrolled in our school system. If you are interested or would like more information, please visit and apply today! Current pay is $100 per school day.
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