Afternoon Car-Rider Routines for Pick-Up

For the safety of our students, please follow these guidelines in the afternoon for picking up students at dismissal from the front of the building:

1. Dismissal is at 2:40 and all students will walk outside with Gold Academy staff members.

2. Please create a single file line of cars leading up to the entrance of the building.

3. The students will wait in grade level lines under the canopy of the building and when their car is between drop-off zone signs, they will be able to get in their vehicle once the car rider slip has been checked.

4. If you choose to park in the parking lot, please walk across to the entrance area of the school to get your child then walk them back to your vehicle.

5. Students will not be allowed to cross the line of traffic without the adult who is picking them up to go to their car.

*Thank you for your diligence in keeping your children safe!