Veterans' Day Program

On Wednesday, November 11th, Gold Academy held a Veterans' Day Program to honor all of the Veterans that have served or are serving. We welcomed all Veterans that would have liked to come. There were a total of 49 Veterans who shared their day with us! It was a wonderful program.

Below, the students, staff, and guests are saying the Pledge of Allegiance together.

Veterans Day Program Pledge

The fourth grade students prepared a song during music class that they were able to sing to honor the Veterans. Below, is a picture of the 4th grade students singing their song along with our music teacher, Mr. McGill.

Veterans Day Program 4th Grade Students

The Gold Academy welcomed a wonderful speaker, First Sergeant Timothy Burr. He gave a wonderful speech on what it meant to be a Veteran and to serve our country. Below, is First Sergeant Timothy Burr speaking.

Veterans Day Program