7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts

Any 7th or 8th grade boy who would like to try out for DMS Basketball teams:

  1. To try out for the team, ALL 7th and 8th grade boy trying out needs to be signed up for Club Phoenix BEFORE Fall Break.  You must attend on a Monday for Club Phoenix orientation.
  2. You must have turned in a physical that is dated 04/01/2015 or later.  If you had your physical for last school year, you will need to get another one BEFORE try outs.  If you have one on file for this school year, you do not need to get another one.
  3. 7th Grade boys will start try outs on Monday, October 26 from 4:30-6:00pm.  You must have your ride here by 6:05pm to take you home.  You will try out every day until the teams are picked.
  4. 8th Grade boys will start try outs on Tuesday, October 27 from 3:00-4:30pm.  You can either have your ride here to pick you up at 4:30pm or you can ride the Club Phoenix bus home.
  5. Tryouts are CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC.
  6. Make sure that your grades are in good shape BEFORE try outs start.  There are only 3 1/2 school weeks left before Fall Break and grades come out.