21st Century Scholars Program

Indiana's 21st Century Scholars Program offers income-eligible Hoosier students up to four years of paid tuition at an eligible Indiana college or university after they graduate from high school.  Scholars are connected to programs and resources to help them plan, prepare and pay for college.  Applications must be received by June 30 of the student's 8th grade year.

NOTE TO PARENTS:  Please select one of the below options and return this information to your child's STAR teacher, the office, or email it to gbarrett@msddecatur.k12.in.us.

____    I applied online.  The school will check the status of your child's application.

____    I plan to apply online at www.Scholars.IN.gov.

____    I DO NOT want to apply or we applied and have been denied.

____    I need additional help or information.  Contact Gail Barrett at 856-5274 ext. 8014.

**  All students who return this with a parent's signature will be entered into a drawing for prizes and the STAR class with the highest percentage of returned forms will be rewarded with an ice cream STAR Class snack!

Parent Signature  __________________________________________  Phone Number  ______________________

Student Name  _____________________________________________