MSD Decatur Township has a College and Career Readiness tool called Naviance.

What is Naviance?
- Naviance is a web-based comprehensive college and career readiness solution for middle and high schools that helps connect academic achievement to post-secondary goals.
- It allows students to discover their individual strengths and learning styles and explore college and career options based on assessment results.
- The Curriculum helps students develop critical non-cognitive skills and college knowledge that research shows increases students' likelihood of reaching their post-secondary goals.
All students in grades 7-12 and their parents will have logins to access the web-based system. The Naviance curriculum will be used in the students’ College & Career Readiness (CCR) classes at Decatur Central High School & Decatur Township School for Excellence.
At Decatur Middle School in 7th grade, students will use Naviance in their I & E class as well as other classes. In 8thgrade, students will use Naviance in their Preparing for College and Careers class. Since Naviance is web-based, it is accessible to students and parents 24/7/365.
Naviance Family Connection web addresses:
Student Log in
- User name = firstname.lastname
- Password = mmddyyyy (8 digit birthdate)
Parent Log in
- Parents must Register to use Naviance - creating a user name and password
- User name = email address
- Password = self created