Welcome to the Decatur Central High School
This page will offer information regarding the following: school registration process, school records request, verification requests, and change/grades requests. Please review the content carefully.
Decatur Central High School Registrar: Mrs. Jenny Leverington
Email: jleverington@decaturproud.org
Phone: 317.856.5288 extension: 01003
*Important Note: All transcript requests need to go to Parchment.com for former students and to get unofficial transcripts.
New Student Registration
New Student Registration Support Document (How-to)
Complete the Register a New Student Application - This is for new students to the district and previous students who were withdrawn and are now re-enrolling.
If you are a Decatur Middle School student, or a current Decatur Central student, you DO NOT need to complete the New Student Registration, to enroll them at DCHS. You will need to complete the Register a Returning Student process in your Skyward Family Access parent account.
Upon completing the on-line application process, please contact Jenny Leverington at 317-856-5288, to schedule a time to come to the school and finish the registration process.
If you did not upload documents, during the on-line process, you must bring the following documents:
Birth Certificate
Social Security Card and/or Number
Proof of Residency
Any legal documentation (such as custody and/or guardianship documents), that pertain to student
Current Student Registration
All current students must complete the Register a Returning Student process in your Skyward Family Access parent account
For questions or assistance, please contact your student’s small learning community secretary.
Choice: Carlie Sims
Edge: Brittany Huber
Innovations: Savannah Shipley
New Tech: Nichole Wenzlick
Quest & Inquiry: Alee Cummings
Small Learning Community Changes, Grades and Schedules
All scheduling questions or concerns, and questions regarding your student’s grades should all be done through the small learning community counselor.
Requests to change small learning communities must be made through your student’s small learning community director.