Decatur Central High School News

Do You Love Gaming?

March 9, 2016

Teen Gaming at the Decatur Branch Library every Monday and Thursday from 3 to 5pm when ...

MSD Decatur Township Names Justin Dixson as Athletic Director   Tuesday, Ma...

There will be four 3D Printing and Design camps in June of 2016 hosted in the DCHS Medi...

On Saturday morning, February 12, the members of the Decatur Central Speech braved the ...

Travon Starks, a junior in DCHS Choice Academy, pulled from family experience when he...

More DC Band Success!!

February 29, 2016

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to the dozens and dozens of band members that earned Excellent a...

The Boys Swimming and Diving team competed at their Sectional Championships on Saturd...

Sunday, Feb. 21, is College Goal Sunday and Decatur Central is a site.  Students...

Congratulations to the Goldenaires!   On Saturday they competed at Pike HS ...

Honor Roll

Gaston Caperton Opportunity Honor Roll The College Board is announcing the 2015 Gast...

DCHS swept the competition and won 1st place in all Chapter events including the JAG Co...

We are very proud to announce that Morgan Wade, Choice junior, is a National Finalist f...

Jefferson Awards Foundation Names Decatur Central Student as LEAD 360 Project National ...

We are Decatur Proud of the members, staff and parents of the DCHS Varsity Winte...

One of our very own DCHS Graduates was featured in a magazine that is published around ...

Don't miss out on a great night of music presented by the Decatur Central music department!

Senior English teacher, Mrs. Kayla Kostecka, took her senior English students to the Ca...

On Tuesday, January 26 at 8:50 AM, the following MSD Decatur buildings implemented ex...

Families are encouraged to explore their career programs and learn about high school courses that can open doors for post-secondary options.