Decatur Central Winter Percussion Ensemble are World Champions!

Decatur Central Winter Percussion Ensemble are World Champions!

The Decatur Central Winter Percussion Ensemble  is known for competing in high stakes competitions.  For example, they have attended the Winter Guard International (WGI) World Championships 13 times, but this year, things turned out differently…(but more on that in a moment).  Prior to the World Championship, our Winter Percussion students earned their 4th Indiana State Championship title. This solidifies that our DC Band Program continues to grow in excellence and is known throughout the state for its high quality shows.


Now, for the first time in 13 years of attendance, your very own DCHS Winter Percussion Ensemble is the World Champions!  We are DecaturProud of our students, supportive parents, and the leadership of this program.  Our 2018 Indiana State Champions competed against groups from locations ranging from California to Massachusetts and won the first round of the WGI World Percussion Championships with a score of 90.9.  The group then competed at two sites including Wright State University and the University of Dayton.  Our students final, and winning score was 92.3.


The percussion students are lead by the amazing Josh Schneider, Director of Percussion, who is in his second year with the program. The students in the group range in age from 7th grade to seniors and were recognized by eight college percussion professors and professional musicians. Needless to say, this is incredible.


It obviously takes a village of people to make all of these amazing things happen, and the Decatur Central Band Program has just that- a great support system.  Band Program Director, Tim Cox, states that they had over 20 parents helping at the event.  The band boosters are dedicated to the students and the program as a whole, and this unyielding support is a major factor in the success of our students.