Spring Blood Drive Information

Spring Blood Drive Information

Be aware of the rules and policies!

On Friday April 27th the Choice Academy Social Action, in collaboration with the Indiana Blood Center, will be hosting a Spring 2018 Blood Drive. The Indiana Blood Center’s goal is to provide a safe and adequate supply of blood products and biological services to people of our community.  Last semester, thanks to our many blood donors, we were able to collect 113 units of blood. One unit of blood is able to help as many as 3 different individuals. The members of the Choice Social Action class will visit each 10th-12th grade CCR class to outline the importance of the drive.


Due to the large number of sign-ups last semester and an anticipated large number this semester, organizers have tightened the rules and policies to ensure the least amount of missed class time as possible for our student donors. The same rules as last semester are in place, plus a few new ones are listed below.



•        Sign-ups will be during lunch ONLY. Once the final list is created, there will be no additions.  The final list of sign-ups will be sent to DCHS staff/teachers no later than the April 20th. 


•        All students will be given an official blood drive pass. If they do not have one of these passes, they are NOT to be sent to the blood drive. They will not be allowed to enter the gym for the blood drive without their pass.


•        Students will get their pass signed to prove they actually came to the blood drive. They will be instructed to show it to their teacher upon returning to class.


Some general policies important to note include the following:

•        Class time is most important and ultimately, it is the teachers ‘call if a student is allowed to leave class for the blood drive. If a student signed up for a time that doesn’t work because they have a test or quiz or ANYTHING the teacher feels they should not miss, the student will not be sent to the blood drive.


•        Students can ONLY come down at the time on their pass. The drive will be COMPLETELY booked with the staff they are able to send; sending students down at other times will cause jams and result in extra time being missed.

•        Students MUST bring a photo ID. School IDs work!


•        If a student is 16, they will bring their parent permission form TO the blood drive.


•        If teachers would like to donate, they may come down on their prep period. Teachers will be processed first so there is no wait time.


•        Passes will be delivered to the SLC offices the week of the blood drive. If a student is signed up to donate before 10:30, their pass will be delivered during 1st period. If a student is signed up to donate after 10:30, their pass will be delivered during CCR.


•        Organizers will check students in and out of the blood drive electronically this semester so there will be a more accurate list of when students were actually at the blood drive.


The Choice Social Action class and the Indiana Blood Center are grateful to those willing and able to donate blood.  The impact of the blood drive at DCHS will help many individuals and families.  We are Decatur Proud to have the opportunity to serve those in need.