DC Social Action Food Drive

DC Social Action Food Drive

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” ― Charles Dickens

The Social Action class, in the Choice Academy is working to make a positive impact on our community by serving others one meal at a time. The group will be hosting a food drive beginning Monday, November 27th through December 15th. Please donate any non-perishable items and small personal care items to CCR classes. The winning CCR class will be rewarded with their choice of an ice cream, doughnut, or pizza party the week of January 3rd. Any little bit helps, so please consider sharing what you can to help those in need this season.  We are Decatur Proud of our staff and students who strive to be a positive influence in our communtiy.  Strong communities result in strong schools;  working together, we can make Decatur Township better than ever!