Decatur Central Student Nominated for a National Award

We are very proud to announce that Morgan Wade, Choice junior, is a National Finalist for a Lead 360 Award, sponsored by The Jefferson Award Foundation.  

Below is a little bit about the Jefferson Awards Foundation, from

"The Jefferson Awards Foundation is committed to tapping into the incredible capacity and spirit of Americans. Our Youth programs, Students In Action, LEAD360, and GlobeChangers, support, train and empower youth to be leaders and changemakers.

LEAD360 is the platform for simple, fun, scalable services designed to offer accessible projects and to measure and celebrate impact.  LEAD360starts by collecting BIG ideas from young people for social change. We ask kids what they care about and how they would fix it. We then take the three best ideas, break them down into easy to do and replicable projects and make them available to anyone to activate. As we activate, we also identify individuals and organizations already active ineach project area to aggregate and celebrate their impact."

Teachers Mr. Brent Dikeman and Eduardo Torres, as well as all of DC, are excited about the work that our students are doing in our Community Service course, and it is great to see Morgan receive this accolade.

We are incredibly Decatur Proud of Morgan and her efforts to make the world a better place.

Fostering Care