Science is Everywhere!!

It is almost here!!!  The MSD of Decatur Township 4th annual Family Science Night:  Science is Everywhere!

This fun evening is presented by the DCHS science students and all are invited to come and enjoy a fun-filled family night filled with the wonders of science.

Join the students and staff on Tuesday, January 28, 2016 from 6 - 8 PM in the DCHS cafeteria for exciting demonstrations and displays.   The students and teachers of Biology 2/Vincennes University, AP Physics, Chemistry 2/Vincennes University, Forensics, Environmental Science, and Chemistry 1 will present their design table demonstrations and activities for all ages!

Does this sound interesting:

A glowing pickle, crime scene evidence collection, recycling, making Oobleck, forces, and so much more....if so then this is the place for you!  Come and learn the science behind so many cool things!

Refreshments available, Eli Lilly Chemistry stage show, much to see and do...don't miss out!!!