Choice Academy Service Learning Impacting the Decatur Community

    The Choice Community Service Class will be selling shirts at all lunches. Why? The class is running a Food Drive to put holiday meals together for for those less fortunate. Half ($5) of the money for the shirt will be used to purchase supplies for this project. The other half will be used to help fund other service learning projects that are being developed by The Choice Academy and the students in English11/ Community Service. The t-shirt sale will last untill December 11. There are few different logos on the shirts, and all shirts will be $10 while supplies last. All proceeds of this sale will go toward feeding families in need this holiday season, and to fund other service learning projects for the Decatur community.  Teachers of the Choice Academy Community Service Class, Mr. Brent Dikeman and Mr. Eduardo Torres, are to be commended for empowering their students to dream of such creative ways to help the Decatur community.  We are Decatur Proud!!!!!

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