Marsh Fresh Ideas for Education

Program Information

Decatur Code: 28730         

This school year marks our 11th year of the Fresh Ideas for Education program and we are excited to continue supporting schools in the communities that we call home! To date, we have contributed over $2.5 million worth of free educational equipment and supplies to local schools and for the 2015-2016 program year, we are committed to providing schools with even more valuable educational equipment! In fact, we are making $275,000 available for this year’s campaign!

Schools and parents love the Marsh Fresh Ideas for Education program because, unlike fundraisers, there is nothing to sell. Supporting a school is as easy as shopping for groceries. Points are tallied for every item purchased by school supporters who register their Marsh Fresh IDEA Card or O’Malia’s CouponPlus Card for a school. And, once again this year we will be adding an additional point earning opportunity into the program.

As an incentive for supporters to purchase healthy, nutritious foods for themselves and their families, schools will now earn double points on all Guiding Stars® product purchases with 1, 2 or 3 stars! Guiding Stars is the first ever store wide navigation system created to give busy shoppers a quick tool if they are looking for more nutritious foods for less calories. Let the stars guide you to more nutritional choices and help your school earn double points!

In addition to Guiding Stars, the more people that sign up to support your school and shop Marsh or O’Malia’s, the bigger share of equipment your school will earn.

Program Rules

Sign up here! Click School Login, and use the Decatur Central HS Code 28730