Blue Academy Elementary School News
The MSD of Decatur Township School Board would like your input! Please complet...
We are thankful for our Veterans, and look forward to celebrating their courage, honor,...
Read the latest news from Decatur Township! #DecaturProud November 2023 Newsletter
Wednesday, October 4th, 2023 is Fall Parent Conference Day. There will be no school for...
Read the latest news from Decatur Township!
The DCHS Homecoming Parade will be on Friday, September 22, 2023. Here is all of th...
Decatur Township Cross Country Program Presents: FREE 1-Mile Family Fun ...
(September 6, 2023) At the School Board Meeting on September 5, 2023, Dr. Matt Prusieck...
Our newly formed DC Hawks Elementary Athletic Department is gearing up for basketball s...
September 4th-8th is National Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week! We partner with Kel...
CLICK HERE to read the latest news from Decatur Township! #DecaturProud
The Decatur Central Career Center offers hands-on career training in high interest prog...
Decatur Township Families, Please consider attending this event featuring guest speake...
Find everything you need for Back to School and a message from Dr. Prusiecki, Superinte...
*Reminder: Please reference the Clear Bag Policy for MSD Decatur Township Schools, begi...
Register for the 2023-2024 School Year in MSD of Decatur Township! Online Registrati...
We are #DecaturProud to announce that MSD of Decatur Township is starting a new Decatur...
Decatur Township Child Nutrition invites you to. . . Join us for Lunch! Jun...
The Decatur Proud Recognitions for the June 2023 Board Meeting, presented by Dr. Stepha...
Enjoy our June edition of the district newsletter, including important dates and detail...
DELC Blue Academy presents: Madagascar Jr. A Musical Adventure June 2nd-4th 5650 ...

Boys & Girls Basketball Camp Camp Price: $60.00 ($40 Sibling) Dates: June 5t...
Join us for the Grades 6-8 High Ability Showcase at Decatur Middle School on May 17th, ...
At the MSD Decatur Township School Board Meeting on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, Mrs. Joy Ayer...
Aesop once said, “No act of kindness, ho matter how small, is ever wasted.”...