2024 DCHS Homecoming Parade & Spirit Days

MSD Decatur Seal

Decatur Central Homecoming is the Week of September 16th-20th!

The parade will be held on Friday, September 20th:

  • Line up at 4:30 pm.
  • Parade begins promptly at 5:00 pm.
  • The parade line up will be in the parking lot/drive area in front of Decatur Middle School and beside Decatur High Ability Academy, facing High School Rd.
  • The parade will end at DCHS in time for other Homecoming festivities.
  • Any Decatur Township group that would like to enter a car, truck, float, bike, etc. is invited to participate.
  • The Hawks will face Mooresville at 7 pm at Devere Fair Stadium.
  • Theme: Behold the Gold

Any group wishing to enter the parade, please complete the form linked here by September 20th.

Please click here for more information, including the parade route and rules.

Questions should be directed to Kelly Tate at 317-856-5288 ext. 25300 or email: ktate@decaturproud.org

Decatur Central High School is also celebrating Homecoming with district-wide spirit days the week of September 16th-20th:
Monday 9/16: Pajama Day
Tuesday 9/17: Beach Day
Wednesday 9/18: Class Color Day
Thursday 9/19: Gold Out Day
Friday 9/20: Blue and Gold Day


Wednesday Class Colors:

Blue- Kindergarten, 7th and 9th grades

Purple- Pre-K, 1st, 8th, and 10th grades

Pink- 2nd, 5th, and 11th grades

Black- 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 12th grades

Green- Staff Only

Homecoming Spirit Week

Class Colors Wednesday