Decatur Middle School Students Create Elephant out of Milk Cartons

Decatur Middle School Students Create Elephant out of Milk Cartons

 DMS Global Learning Students are Decatur Proud to present Elvis the milk carton elephant!

Made with more than 6100 cartons (milk and orange juice). He is 8 feet tall, 5 feet wide and almost 11 feet long. There was no real rhyme or reason to the carton colors or types of milk as his initial function was to create an awareness for all of the trash Decatur Middle School sends to the landfill on a daily basis. We estimate that Elvis is about 3 days worth of milk carton trash.

He has a hefty structure of cardboard carpet rollers that were graciously donated by Carpet Country Flooring in Greenwood, IN.

Skin, ears  and tusks are “sewn” together using yarn. It was amazing to watch students, boys and girls alike,  literally learn how to sew by hand with upholstery needles! 

They have submitted pictures of our Elvis to the contest to potentially earn prize money. Any money earned will be used to rebuild and refurbish the aging Koi pond located in a centralized courtyard at DMS. They also have plans for this entire area to be transformed into a useful outdoor classroom.

Thank you so much for all of your support and please come by to visit Elvis in room 221 at DMS.