Learn About Our Programs

Half-day Preschool 

Liberty offers half-day for preschool for both 3 and 4 year-old students.  Classes are taught by a certified teacher with two instructional assistants, and class sizes are approximately 10-12 students in the 3/4 year-old classrooms and 16-18 students in the 4/5 year-old classrooms.  These classes are designed primarily for students who have individualized education plans (special education services) and students can receive speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, and/or physical therapy and related services as needed as part of their preschool day.   We also enroll a few 4-year-olds in half-day preschool on a tuition basis to serve as peer models in the preschool classes, but those spots are limited.  Liberty Preschool follows the Creative Curriculum in our preschool classrooms and works on developing your chid's social-emotional, communication, and academic skills while helping them prepare for a strong start in Kindergarten.  Time is spent each day in whole group learning opportunities, small group hands-on learning, and play!  

Classes meet daily (Monday - Friday) following the Decatur Township calendar in the morning from 9:00-11:30 am or in the afternoon from 1:15-3:45 pm.  Tuition is $189 per month and parents are responsible for providing transportation to and from school each day.  Students must be 3 or 4 by the beginning of the school year (August 1) to attend preschool.  

Full-day Preschool 

Liberty also offers a full-day preschool option for 3- and 4 year-old students.  Classes are taught by a non-certified teacher and 1-2 instructional assistants, with up to 20 students in each class.  Liberty Preschool follows the Creative Curriculum in our preschool classrooms and works on developing your chid's social-emotional, communication, and academic skills while helping them prepare for a strong start in Kindergarten.  Time is spent each day in whole group learning opportunities, small group hands-on learning, and play!  Students eat breakfast, lunch, and a snack daily; and also have an afternoon nap time.  Students with individualized education plans (special education services) are also included in these classrooms as described in their IEPs.

Classes meet daily (Monday - Friday) following the Decatur Township calendar in the morning from 8:00-4:30 pm.  Tuition is $450 per month and parents are responsible for providing transportation to and from school each day.  Students must be 3 or 4 by the beginning of the school year (August 1) to attend preschool. Parents can also choose to enroll full-day preschool students in before/after school care (6:30 am - 6:00 pm) through AYS for an additional fee.  For more information on AYS please visit: https://www.ayskids.org.  Enrollment in preschool is limited to the number of spots in each classroom.  Enrolling online does not guarantee a spot in a class.  Please call the school office for more information.


Speech-Language Therapy Groups

Students who receive speech-language therapy as part of their individualized education plan (IEP) may participate in half-day or full-day preschool classrooms at Liberty.  They may also attend a speech-language therapy group that meets once per week for a 75-minute class, depending on their identified needs.  These groups are taught by a speech-language pathologist and speech-language pathologist assistant, with 5-6 students in each class.  Class times vary each year and will be scheduled with parents at their child's IEP meeting.  Time is spent each day working on targeted communication goals, as well as introducing students to a group circle time, snack, and play!